martes, 20 de febrero de 2018




Adam at the conference speaks of the his creations and inventions that he made in his childhood;His first creation was a space helmet with a ice cream tube of 19 litres and in a closet of his house he built the cockpit of a rocket with boxes.
When he saw the Excalibur movie he wanted inmediately have an armor so that took a corrugated cardboard and years later he made again a armor but with better materials like cardboard and aluminium sheet to ceilings,when arrived to the school with this costume had to stay stand up all class because the armor wouldn't let him sit and in this moment he fainted and woke up in the nursing.
later time he worked in Discovery channel and he used costumes to explain the topics to add narrative clarity , after goes to the comic con of San diego and he wanted participate and create the costume to cover him the body for can enter as anonymous then made to Hellboy costume.
This is called like COSPLAY this means that the people used the costumes about of favorite characters in movies or series and also animes.

For my this video was interesting because his creations are amazing and fosters creativity in children what has been lost with the passage of time., 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi
    I think your Blog has good content, it is interesting your reading plan did a good job, and the video you chose is very good because it talks about what children can create.
