sábado, 7 de abril de 2018


I think that racism and discrimination is illogical because the diversity and differences among us is what makes us unique and in a certain way decreases the monotony, by the reason of be surrounded of many different people we can find special characteristic in each person and will fabulous find differences.

Also we should consider that discrimination mainly comes is because to the way of give that critize example toward to society through previous generations that inculcated a bad thought or maybe because the television created programs where the estereotypes is present for example the nerd boy with glasses and  classmates do bullying him. 

  we can find people with different likes in clothes,music,etc;simply talking with that person and you can know his/her difference and why likes that,also understand his/her way of be;if there wasn't discrimination all would better for our society because we would avoid fights or war.

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